
A new 70cm BJD from Telesthesia has been introduced named Upsilon. Basic Upsilon will come with a pair of eyes, a set of magnetic horns and a human/antelope body. An optional face-up may be added. The doll may also be ordered as a full-set with face-up, body blushing, eyes, horns and outfit included. Upsilon comes in normal pink, normal yellow, white or tanned skin resin.

Currently Telesthesia & Dragon Doll are holding a summer event that will run until August 31st. The dolls may be purchased from their international retailers including Alice’s Collections.

Event information:

Telesthesia & Dragon Doll Summer Event (2016.06.21 – 2016.08.31) :
a. 65cm – 72cm Doll: 10% off + jointed hands (for boy) or heel legs (for girl) as gift.
b. 26cm – 62cm Doll: 10% off + Free Face-up.
c. 65cm – 72cm Doll Body: 10% off + jointed hands (for boy) or heel legs (for girl) as gift.
c. 26cm – 62cm Doll Body: 10% off.




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