Petit Dahlia

Dollmore has created a smaller version of their popular Lusion Dalia BJD. 48cm tall Petit Dahlia is being offered in two full-sets: Illua Doll – Chocolat Blanc and Illua Doll – Chocolat Noir. They are limited editions of 40 each.

Both versions of Petit Dahlia are sold blank with a random color pair of acrylic eyes, wig and outfit. Options include a face-up, partial or full body blushing and seam sanding. More photos of the dolls will be added to the Dollmore site soon.


petit dahlia trinity
Petit Dahlias being held by 105cm tall Trinity doll
Petit Dahlias being held by 105cm tall Trinity doll
Petit Dahlias being held by 105cm tall Trinity doll

petit dahlia blanc petit dahlia noir

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