~Amadiz Studio~

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George and Kate Ramensky of Amadiz Studio offer customized doll wigs that are works of art, finely crafted in quality materials.


Q: Please tell me a little bit about yourselves and how you founded Amadiz Studio.

A: Our work began with our hobbies.

We knew each other for many years, from early childhood. When we were in school, we were united by friendship and common interests, and we always liked the same hobbies. We grew up and got married, and the situation of common hobbies did not change. In 2012, we were carried away by ball-jointed dolls. We think that our old passions in painting and the art of hairdressing have been continued in our present activity.

il_570xN.1021001853_hc8cWhen we bought our first doll, our first question was “What should it wear and where to find accessories?” At that time we were not familiar with overseas markets with products for dolls, and we felt our best option was to begin to do everything for our dolls by our own hands.  As a result, we started to make wigs and things for our dolls because it was our new hobby. This process was quite fun. We always had a lot of creative ideas, and it was very exciting to translate our creative ideas to dolls. We started to display pictures of our work in BJD communities. Soon there were people who asked about whether we could make the same things for their dolls for order, so gradually we found a new type of activity – the production of beautiful things for BJDs as we see them in our imaginations. It is a very interesting process – to bring fantasy to life. We are doubly pleased to do it as a couple.

In the beginning we worked with artificial materials for wigs, but in recent years, we mainly make wigs made from natural materials such as sheep, angora and alpaca hair. Our main direction is luxury wigs for dolls, wigs with difficult designs and decoration.

For four years we worked only together  A team expansion happened only four months ago. Now there are 6 members in our company. We are interested in opening new horizons in this business, and we are hoping that our company will be bigger from year to year.

Q:  What made you decide to initially concentrate on wig-making over fashion design or face-ups?

A: We made-to-order all of these things, but soon abandoned the manufacture il_570xN.681073122_r34mof clothing and face-ups for order, because we were interested in creating our own line of clothing and not in making other people’s designs.

Q: How long generally does it take to make one of your custom wigs?

A: Standard processing time is 2 months because of the large queue of orders.

Q: Can you tell me a little about how you developed your skills?

A: The process of creating a luxury wig for such small heads is a long and multi-stage process. Not all of the secrets of production come at once, of course. Our current level of quality is the result of hard and thoughtful work, and of big moral and financial costs. We do everything from our heart. I can say that our years of working and searching for the best solutions, materials and options have led us to our current results. Making these luxury hairstyles is not easy, but if you look at the way we make the wigs at this moment, given all of our accumulated years of experience, it may seem that everything is easy and simple. It’s like the work of a magician. He creates something magical and you feel that he does it with ease, but you can not know how long he practiced to impress you with his art.

Are the materials and styling products that we use for our wigs luxurious? Yes, il_570xN.1019317883_qn7ethey are. We use them because they give us the opportunity to design the most beautiful hair styles. If we find new tools that will work even better than they do now, we will move on, and we will work with new materials. It does not matter how expensive they are, the result is important. We want to make dolls more and more beautiful, and if we need luxury materials, so be it.

As I said earlier, we had not achieved our current level on day one. Each time when creating a product, we think we can do something more beautiful, something special. We do not stand still. Therefore, when our first creation was finished, of course, we experienced joy, but we also had the feeling that we could do better. This feeling makes us want to do beautiful things that are ever more attractive.

Q: How many wigs do you estimate you make each year?

A: About 600 wigs per year.

Q: Do you make wigs for all sizes of dolls?

A:  We can make wigs for all sizes. We have made wigs for 3 inch to 11 inch sizes. But now basically we make wigs for SD and MSD sizes. Because of the large workload, we have temporarily stopped accepting orders for very small wigs.

Q: Do you have any plans to expand your business, and if so in what ways?

A: We have many plans for the near future. We are opening our own website, we are increasing sales of wigs and we will finally be creating a line of clothing for dolls.

Q: I wanted to also ask, how does the owner of one of your wigs take care of it il_570xN.1028440963_drly copyto keep it looking perfect?

A: Our promotional products are added to each order.

Each order contains a card with a certificate with instructions on caring for the product, so every owner of wigs made by us has instructions on how to care for them.

Natural hair wigs should not be brushed and watered so that the hairstyle does not become spoiled. You can use any styling products (wax, hair spray) to correct or maintain the hair, but it should be done only with your fingers. Under the right care conditions, the wig will serve you for a long time.



A sample of their work:

More may be seen in the Amadiz Studio Gallery album

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