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SartoriaJ is a BJD fashion shop on Etsy run by Jay and Donatella. They create and sell clothing, shoes and accessories. BJDcollectasy interviewed Jay to find out more about their work.


Q: So, how did you meet Donatella? How long have you been friends?

11 copyA: We met as a colleagues. We worked in a same company for about 5 years.

When I was vvery tired of working at the company, I met Donatella one day in the restroom and suggested we do business together. We opened the etsy shop a month later.

Q: What jobs do you and Donatella each do at SartoriaJ?

A: Donatella designs and makes the outfits, and I make the accessories. Mostly Donatella focuses on making the products, and I take care of the rest like managing the Etsy site, marketing and communicating with customers.

Q: When did you open SartoriaJ?

A: We opened the shop on March, 2015.

Last fall a lot of personal events occurred so we weren’t able to release any new items until recently. Since we had some time, we decided to try on new items like suits and shoes.

Q: Can you describe the main items the shop sells? What are your inspirations?

DSCF6248 copyA: Until now, the main items were period clothing, but we wanted to expand our products to suit and shoes. 

It was impossible to find doll shoes that satisfy us, so we decided to make them ourselves. Currently we are now making new shoes (high heel) for SD size woman, and they will be released in about a week.

The first inspiration for our products was paintings. The first dresses we made were reproductions of James Tissot and Edgar Degas’s paintings.

Q: How are the clothes accessories and shoes designed and assembled?

A: All the items are made by Donatella and me.

First, we make one sample and release them in the shop. We usually make a minimum quantity (usually 10 pieces) considering cutting and ordering raw materials.

Q: What sizes are your fashions? Do you plan to expand and offer clothes in more doll sizes?

A: We have worked with Iplehouse EID Man, EID Woman, SID Man, SID Woman and JID Girl.

Also new outfits we released recently are for Dollshe 28M. We also tried Volks MSD and aGatti too. We will expand the doll sizes but we want to concentrate on SD size for now.

Q: How would you like to see SartoriaJ expand? What new things would you like to add to your shop?

sj_prod_01 copyA: This year, we want to release more shoes. Currently we are working on the SD size platform heel. We also want to release a stiletto in few months.

We will also release more period clothing, but we are considering a different period.

For this summer, we want to release some bright and light clothes.
We are considering some gowns which are like those in the film ‘The Great Gatsby’.

Photos above from top: 1/3 size necklace 2016, period outfits 2015, SD platform shoe in-progress.

















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