~Rosemary, a Gentle Soul~



Revisiting Virginia Obeius of Forever Virginia and meeting her new 1/4 size BJD Rosemary


Q: For those readers that might not be familiar with you and your shop Forever Virginia, could you give them a little background on yourself?

virginiaA: For 15+ years I used my Art degree as an Interactive Media Designer to create websites and graphic designs. After my second child was born I stayed home freelancing as time allowed but felt my enthusiasm for the job waning. One day I picked up an issue of Haute Doll magazine at the grocery store… and it was all over! My childhood love for dolls was rekindled as I discovered a world where adult collectors could re-imagine and play with their dolls instead of just keeping them in boxes on the shelf. I started repainting and redressing vinyl dolls – at first Barbie, then Tonner and Obitsu dolls as my knowledge of the hobby widened. Eventually I worked my way into BJDs and found my voice as a natural style face-up artist and creator of “Natural Kei” or “Modern Prairie” style clothing. I continue to use my digital media skills to create custom fabrics for my Raw*Kiss Jeans and to photograph and present my work online.

Q: When did you first start toying with the idea of creating your own BJD? When and how did you begin?

A: Although I considered making my own BJD for the last 5 years I was not seriously taken with the idea until 2013. That year I turned 40 and found myself unexpectedly with child and then… suddenly not. In that short time my brain and heart had already adjusted to the idea of rerouting my life to include a third child. The loss was heartbreaking but changed my view of the future that my career might take. When I started sculpting several months later it felt like I was filling a personal void as well as progressing further on my own creative journey.

Q: Was the Eden head your first attempt at a BJD sculpt? What can you tell me about her?

eden 300A: I had sculpted before, but Eden was the first face made with the definite intent to create a BJD. I made the head at the end of the year (December 2013) but was not satisfied with my early attempts at the body. While working further to improve the body, I decided to do a casting of just the head through Dollshe Casting. This taught me a lot about preparing the sculpt for casting and how the process can affect the overall size.

Q: Tell me more about Rosemary, your first full doll. What size clothing and wigs does she wear? Will you be releasing new clothes just for her or releasing any OOAK versions?

A: Rosemary is the first head to be paired with my finally completed body which I call my “Kid” size. She represents a young child (can be girl or boy) with a gentle soul. Rosemary comes in three different colors: fair, pinky and soft tan, all professionally cast by Haru Casting. At 40cm tall, she can wear immature MSD and slim mini clothing, MSD shoes, 16mm eyes and 7/8 stretchy wigs. All of my MSD Raw*Kiss jeans can be ordered in “Forever Virginia Kid” size and I will offer more clothing for her at any time or on request. OOAK full sets, as well as blank/nude options, are also available in my shop here: http://www.ForeverVirginia.com. You can find very detailed information regarding the “Kid” measurements and photo comparisons at http://ForeverVirginia.com/rosemary.

Q: Will you be promoting Rosemary at any upcoming conventions?

tumblr_o0ljrbeRNX1snvcjoo6_500A: I will be attending MDCC and hope to also show some of my dolls at BJDC.

Q: Will Rosemary be the first of several dolls with the same body?

A: Yes! I have several sculpts that I am working on. Because the “Kid” body is androgynous, any of the sculpts made for this body can be boys as well as girls.

Q: Are you working on any other dolls/heads right now?

A: I do have several heads in various stages right now. Some of these may be for the Kid body but I also have other bodies planned. I have a 50cm girl in production right now and hope to have samples to show later this Spring. I am also working on a smaller size but it is in the very early stages. Eventually, I would love to offer patterns for my dolls and little extras to make for them such as stuffed animals and props because I like making things like that too. I enjoy exploring all kinds of crafting mediums and always want to push myself to make progress on my creative journey. So although these are the plans I have now, I want to stay open to new directions and possibilities.


Photos above from top: Fashions by Virginia, Eden head, Rosemary head.

Forever Virginia

To order Rosemary, go HERE











Eden (shown on a Doll Chateau Kid body):





dk kid body eden


eden dc body

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