Ginger Karen

New Ginger Karen has been introduced at Chica Bonita. she is cast in tan resin. Ginger Karen comes with regular (8 year  -46cm tall doll) or Bunny (12 year – 54cm tall) style body. Options include a face-up and an additional hand set.

Ginger Karen’s pre-order will end January 24th, Korean time 2016.


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2 thoughts on “Ginger Karen”

  1. Hello,

    I would like to know how one could place an order for this doll, as advertised in this picture already complete. The cost in euros or dollars? International shipping to the states?
    I have searched but only find sites in Korean or Chinese, if not too costly I would really like to give this gift to my ailing mom..
    I hope to hear back from you soon

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