~Smiles Dolls~



The fashion BJDs of Smiles Dolls are created by Russian artist Valentina. A half-dozen sculpts have been introduced by the company.  A new taller 1/4 size doll will be introduced in the near future.

Q: What inspired you to create your own dolls?

adele1 1A: I had a love of dolls since childhood, and when I first saw a BJD doll, it was love at first sight.

As I am the creative person (I paint pictures), it was most interesting to me to paint the dolls, so I began to study and master the art of make-up. Over time I began to paint not only my dolls, but also to do make-up to order. At this time I paint both my dolls and the dolls of other firms.

After a while I wanted to go even further and make my own doll in which I expressed my vision of a BJD. So I created a line, the “Fashion line”. At the moment it is represented by 6 molds of two mini-collections. All the molds are different; each doll is made with love.

Q:  Was there a reason you chose 1/4 girls?
A: As the process of creating a doll is very difficult, I had to learn from scratch, so the size selected was MSD. Now I have a small team of people helping me in creating the dolls.
Q: Why are the girls released as limited editions of 24?
leya 2 3A: A limited number of dolls 24 pieces depends on the specifics of production. For one, you can cast a batch of dolls in 24 pieces.
Q: Do you design the outfits for your dolls? What clothing fits them?
A: I have a small team of people who help me to create dolls.

– Professional designer. It helps in the development of sketches and dolls outfits.

– Professional seamstress outfits embody in life.

– Professional studio where the dolls are cast.

 Outfits for my dolls we sew ourselves. A professional artist makes sketches of the outfit, and then sews them. Outfits develop so that they fit on dolls from other companies, in the same way other companies clothes fit my dolls.
Q: Are you working on anything new? Will you be branching out to new sizes or types of dolls in the future?

A: Soon I will release my new doll on a different body.  The doll is 45cm. At the moment she is being prepared for casting. I am working on it and hope to finish early next year.

It will be a new line of dolls. On a completely different body.

Photos above from top: Adele version 1, Leya version 1

Smiles Dolls

Smiles Doll Gallery Album


Adele v. 2
Adele v. 2 (Spring)

Fashion girl body:

Fashion body

Fashion body

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