Onix Black Stone Sprite

Will o Wisp Dolls will be selling a very small number of Stone Sprites next week, including two in new black resin. The creature is 10.8cm tall.

From the artist:

Next Wednesday December 9th, will take place the release of my new Stone Sprite colorway, “Onix black” with two in-stock fully customized dolls, including handmade glow in the dark resin eyes.

Along with the two onix Sprites, a standard grey Stone Sprite will be released too.

The release will take place next December 9th at 18:00 (GMT+2 / Spanish hour) at http://www.etsy.com/shop/fuegofatuo

You can check the time on your timezone using any online time zone converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html ^^


stone sprite

onix sprite

grey stone sprite

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