Latidoll has announced that a basic BJD pre-order is opening. A special gift will be given to customers that order a basic doll in the first week of the order period. In addition, limited edition Lovely My Kitten dolls will be available this month for one day only.
From the company:
Sales Duration : 12th August ~ 2nd September, 2015
*Wink Sunny Head(Normal skin) will be presented as Special open event to customers who placed Basic dolls order within one week since sales opening.
(Duration : 12th~18th AUG / minimum $250 purchasing(Basic doll option cost included) / Gift head not including glass eyes & make-up)
**New head S.Belle and Mani Girl-type are looking forward to meeting you.
***White SP. will appear this time with Yellow and White line.
There will be Special Basic version for this Basic sales.
Such lovely animal friends(2 types) are ready to say Hello! to you ?
Please refer to the detail as below.
Penguin version – Tan skin T. Sophie : White / White SP
Frog version ? Normal skin T. Jia : White / White SP
2. “Lovely my Kittens” Limited On-line sales open
To response enormous requests from dear customers, we have decided to open the sales page of “Lovely my Kitten” Limited for “one day”
Order date : AM 11:00 21th August ~ AM 11:00 22th August (in Korean time)
Please refer to the detail below.
-Pink Sophie HK version
-Tan Sophie Taiwan version(available to change or add Mystic head)
*Only Full set(doll, outfits, wig and shoes all included) is available
**Wink version will not be on sale.
Please note that this limited doll is on sale only for “one day”. Please check the date carefully.