~Nympheas Revisited~

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When BJDcollectasy interviewed artist K6 of Nympheas Dolls, the artist had released a small number of cute ltttle girl BJDs. Between then and now, the company has blossomed. Joining the humans are many fantastical characters. K6’s work has blossomed and new dolls continue to arrive to delight collectors. 


Q: When I did an article with you back in 2012, you had only released Nymphette and Nympheline and were working on Fantasia and your cat. You have made a lot more dolls since that time. Can you tell me more about the different categories of dolls you have created?

joycream9A: I created 4 categories: Child, Lady, Chibi, Friends

Nymphette and Nympheline were Child line 18cm dolls. They will come back in 2016 with the new body (Malicie’s body). Nymphée and Joy are 30cm tall; they are ‘older’ than the child dolls and more feminine.
Chibis were tiny dolls of 10cm.  The first was Nymphette chibi with a big head. I created Luciole (firefly) later because the head of Nymphette Chibi was too big and heavy, and now I absolutely want to made a stable and poseable doll. Friends is the last category, and I have to confess, my favorite. Friends are creatures you can meet in ‘Nympheas Land’. They include Tit’ Herbe, Chouchou, Tit’Pousse and Fanny!

Eliott is not in a category.  He’s just a doll I wanted to do because my son is inspiring and beautiful.

Q: How do you feel your sculpting has changed over the years?

A: At first I was not sure where I was going, I did not believe much in me. I gradually took it easy, and while working faster it became more and more fun to sculpt and think of perfecting my models. I would not say I’m 100% satisfied, far from it, but I enjoy making dolls more and more, and the growing support of people who like my work allows me to believe in my projects and go to the end!

tit'pousseNow I create more creatures than humans, but I still think of sculpting humans. It’s just that I have currently more “animal” inspirations. It must be said that I live in a true menagerie (dogs and cats). I guess they are part of my inspiration.

My feeling is that I have just found my place, I can express myself with my creations. It ‘fixes’ me in some way. Many people tell me that my dolls bring them joy, and that is just how I want them – transmitting happiness and beauty!

Q: Your Friends line has really blossomed! I assume they grew out of your split-tail cat Shafeuy and the little figure Tit’Fraise. Can you tell me about each of the dolls so far in the line?

A: The first doll made for the ‘Friends line’ was Shafeuy,

titherbeGrey11I really wanted to make a mixture and cat and ‘leaf’ creature but unfortunately it was not a success. Some time passed until the desire to create an animal came back to me. I made a series of sketches with little animals wearing a fruit and thus Tit’Fraise was born! Then he gave me confidence, and I created Tit’Herbe. I still wanted to make new creatures like Tit’Herbe and Tit’Fraise which are small prankster characters that are camouflaged in nature.

Then I created Chouchou. I often scribbled on paper, and I once drew a little caterpillar, and here I thought ‘Yes why not a BJD caterpillar’ and I sculpted Chouchou. Fanny followed shortly; she is a doe. I had this character in mind for a long time, and I knew that one day I would realize her, but when you live on your creations, you can not make all the dolls you want. When the dolls do not sell, any costs incurred will not be repaid … and it costs a lot!
So I was afraid to make Fanny, and I did not think she would be so successful! I have to believe that I have zero ability to judge my work!

Since then, I designed other creatures like new Tit’Pousse. It is in the Tit’Herbe family. It is a small shoot of 6cm. The panda that will be on sale next year will have the same body as Tit’Herbe, and a snail on the head. The model on which I am currently working is ‘Brioche’, a big funny 20cm cat. It will have 4 different expressions with face-plates.

Q: Eliott is charming! The doll really captures a certain authenticate quality that you don’t see in other dolls of children that age. Do you think you will sculpt another doll of your son when he is older?

eliott20A: Eliott is a special doll and he has no ‘category’. My son Eliott is the most beautiful and important person in my life. I wanted to made a doll who looks like him, and I tried to share the ‘little something magical ‘he has. Usually the dolls I make are less realistic and more fantasy. I can’t tell if I will made a new Eliott later, it’s possible but I don’t know.

Q: Is Tit’Pousse your tiniest doll? How do you like working in that size?

A: Yes, he is 6cm tall. It’s really tiny.

To be honest, it’s not my favorite size to work on because it’s difficult to made details, and I can’t made double joints, but I’m happy I made Tit’Pousse because he is really funny. He has magnets in his feet so he can stand on every metal support, like the fridge for example.

Q: Who are some of the people that you have worked with on special full-set dolls?

A: I love to make collaborations with other artists, they bring something new to my dolls, and it expands the possibilities and changes their personalities! In the past I worked with My Meadow and now I work with Furyli and Harajuku for clothes, Seito and Phantastica Aesthetic for make-up. Furily made the beautiful witches series and some cute outfits for Fanny (you can contact her, she accepts commissions) and Harajuku made the 4 seasons series.
I’m very happy with both, and I really love to made OOAK dolls, so I plan to release some new collections soon.

Seito made makeup for Joy, but now he will make OOAK dolls too, and I have a few dolls with Phantastica Aesthetic I’m preparing for sale. They are amazing.

cat3Q: What dolls are you working on or planning for the future?

A: I always have many plans and ideas. I love to find new concepts. My sketchbook is full of drawings. It’s hard for me to choose but I have to.

In my ‘sculpting box’ you can find 2 humans dolls. I want to make them bigger than usual with a more stylized body. I have Tit’Fleur, a lady for Tit’Herbe, who has petals that can be removed on her head, but I’m actually working on Brioche, a big funny cat and Brindille, a lady plant with wings. The panda has already arrived at the factory but I’m not sure whether to release him yet!
I absolutely want to made a little Chouchou (Chou) and little Fanny, they would be so cute, I can’t resist making them.


Photos above from top:  Joy, Tit’Pousse, Tit’Herbe, Eliott, Brindille

Nympheas Dolls

Nympheas Photo Album

2012 article on Nympheas Dolls


Fanny the Deer strawberry and chocolate
Fanny the Deer in strawberry and chocolate resin
Nymphee Cream Skin1
chouchougreen tea

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