Lillycat News

Lillycat – Cerisedolls Will soon release a new doll named Poulpy. In advance of the release, Lillycat is holding a photo contest.

From Lillycat:

Lol a pet, Win a Poulpy!
Our photo contest will run from June 22 to July 6.


To celebrate the coming arrival of our new Poulpy model, we decided to launch a photo contest and give you a chance to win free Lillycat dolls!

The only thing you have to do is to send us an original and funny photo of a pet. The best ones will be selected and entered into a random draw to get a chance to win the following lots :

– 1st PRIZE : an OOAK hybrid-bodied Poulpy artist cast by Lillycat
– 2nd prize : a Ready-to-custom Poulpy in Caramel tint
– 3rd prize : a Ready-to-custom Poulpy in Pale Normal skin
– The 7 remaining finalists will win a 10% discount voucher to use on a Poulpy order.
– A second draw will be made with all submission to offer 3 discount vouchers of 5% to use on a Poulpy order.

You’ll find all the informations, prizes photos and detailed rules on the contest’s official website >>

Be creative and be fun!

Upcoming sale : Poulpy preoder

Just following our contest, a regular sale will be launched to allow you to buy our new Poulpy model.

Poulpy will comme with our new Mort-de-Lol body, in Caramel or Pale Normal Skin.

As usual, she will be available blank or with the standard make-up option.

Sale will be open during a 17-days-long preorder from July the 8th (8:00 UTC) to July the 25th. The number of available dolls isn’t limited, but the sales will run only for 17 days.

Details and photos are yet to come on !

See you
Rachelle / Lillycat



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