LeekeWorld News

A new 1/4 size A-type doll, Piyopiyo has been released at Leeke World.  She may be purchased as a head only or with an Art body or Art Volume body. The head and full doll come in a choice of basic or snow skin resin. A random color pair of glass eyes are included with a full doll.  An optional face-up is available.

1/6 size Ent Story version 4 dolls are currently available. Dolls may be ordered in basic, snow, pure rose, lovely B or fairy green resin. Customers choose a head and  an ent human or ent centaur body with solid white or translucent resin lower body. Other options include a choice of face-up, body blushing, wig and eyes. The Ent dolls may be ordered until June 30 (Korean time).



Ent version 4:

ent basic

ent1 ent 2 ent3

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