Dotories BeBe Chiuu

MuDoll has a new BeBe line doll named Chiuu. The basic doll is sold with Meister Glass eyes and a Glib wig. Options include a face-up and choice of outfit (red or blue set). Customers may also select a full-set with face-up outfit, shoes and felt pouch. A free gift will be added with purchases for a limited time.

From the company:

We just updated new pretty creature, BeBe Dotories “Chiuu”.

Please greeting the new tiny child Chiuu!

Chiuu is the 7th kid of BeBe Dotories.

We are happy to watch BeBe Dotories are born and presented to the world.

Looking forward to your happiness with BeBe Dotories kids, too.

We present the additional hand parts for Chiuu by 20th June, 2015.

And we also updated full sets including the Marina bags, hope you would enjoy new accessory in this time.

Enjoy the free gift and limited full set version with Chiuu.

Please feel free contacting us if you need more information and assistance.

We are happy to talk with Mudoll people all the time!

We present the additional hand parts for Chiuu by 20th June, 2015.

And we also updated full sets including the Marina bags, hope you would enjoy new accessory in this time.

Enjoy the free gift and limited full set version with Chiuu.


We are happy to talk with Mudoll people all the time!


BeBe Chiuu

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BeBe Chiuu2

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