Dandy Bella the Moon Blind Auction

Peak’s Woods is holding a blind auction to raise money for the victims of the Nepal earthquake. 1/3 size normal skin Dandy Bella the Moon will include an OOAK face-up, wig, Enchanted Doll eyes, outfit and goggles (shoes and necklace not included).

From the company:

Hi, this is Peak’s Woods.
We believe that everyone’s heard the very sad news from Nepal and wanted to help the victims from earthquake.
So here we prepare something small but big to be(we wish).

As you remember we had a blind auction for charity last winter.
And today we are showing another doll (FOC Dandy Bella the Moon as fullset) for another blind auction.
Here we go with details below.

*This event will be run by blind auction syetem.

*Period : May 9 ~ May 16 (for a week)

*Anyone can join the auction.

*Please send your wish price with your shipping information(name, email address, shipping address, phone number) through either one of the boards on PW website or PW email.
PW email : cjsdnjswkd74@hanmail.net

*Please make sure that everyone has only one chance for it.

*The starting price is $500(including shipping) and we will announce only the final price publicly since all the profits will go to charity.

*The auction doll will be shipped within a week.

*You will find more information on its page late today(May 8).

We’d like to send our special thanks to Andrea from Angel Toast who volunteered and did the perfect make up for our Dandy Bella the Moon.
Thank you very much for your beautiful mind and such amazing work, again.

This may be a very small step but we hope we can get closer to them with other small steps.

Go to see the rest of the pictures : http://peakswoods.net/shop/step1.php…20130612031300

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dandy bella

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