Lofty Ain and Smile Ain

Sseiren Doll will be releasing 16.5cm tall Lofty Ain and Smile Ain very soon.  They will each be limited editions of of only 10 each. The doll is modelled after the artist’s daughter.

From the artist:

Let me introduce my daughter~ “Ain”.
I’ve made her for her 1 year anniversary.

This time I made two works for my daughter.

We’ll release Ain doll four times a year for a limited quantity only 10 each doll.

From Apr.18 (Korea time)

We hope your lots of interesting.

Thank you so much.

diary of work for ‘Ain’ :…type=1&theater…type=1&theater

shortcut :…20121118093542


smile ain

lofty ain

sseiren ain

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