Granado has announced that they will release a 20 meter doll at the end of the month. A teaser for the doll has been released.

Until then, customers will have to be satisfied with a 1/3 size doll. The company is now offering their new doll Uranus.  He is available for the month of April. Uranus may be ordered as a head-only or with the Neuvo, Lads, Lads plus, 68cm or a 64cm body. Resin color choices include new normal, white, sunshine, asura, chocolate, tan or bronze. Optional ball jointed hands and a face-up with or without a beard may be ordered. (A limited number of face-ups will be accepted.  Only whole dolls may  be faced-up by he company).

News on 20 meter doll from Granado:

Dear all,

Can you imagine that one day your doll will be able to pick you up in real life?
This is our biggest project in 2015. Crocus has made a real Titan doll!
20M Titan will be released on 31st April, 2015.
Please look forward to it! <3



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