D-type Elodie

Doll Leeke D-type is now available at Leeke World. 1/6 size Elodie is offered as a basic BJD in basic or snow skin resin. Three body options are available; 26cm 3rd Girl body, 28cm Gentle Flat body or the 28cm Gentle Volume body.

Elodie will come with a pair of glass eyes. Options include a face-up and body blushing.The red and green outfit shown in the photos may be purchased separately.

Also at this time, LeekeWorld has released new wigs. Two new limited edition colors are being offere; blackberry and royal khaki. All of the new releases may be seen HERE.
DollLeeke D-type is now available at Leeke World.1/6 size Elodie is offered as a basic BJD in basic or snow skin resin. Three body options are available; 26cm 3rd Girl body, 28cm Gentle Flat body or the 28cm Gentle Volume body.

Elodie will come with a pair of glass eyes. Options include a face-up and body blushing.The red and green outfit shown in the photos may be purchased separately.

Also at this time, LeekeWorld has released new wigs. Two new limited edition colors are being offered;blackberry and royal khaki. All of the new releases may be seen HERE.



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