Migidoll News

Migidoll is preparing the release of limited edition M-style Adventurer Shion along with a renewal version of the Shion head (switch from face-plate to head-top opening). Also available will be C-Love Kino in a boy and girl version.

Full news on the March 18 releases from the company:

Sale : From March 18 to 30.

1. New release of “Adventurer” Renewal Shion” of M-Style type.

-There are 3 types of skins, white, normal & suntan for Shion.
-There are only 10 units for suntan skin body. – Guy Body & BNB 16th Body

(The quantity is limited for smooth shipping, please kindly understand.)

* Event

-Silicon cap (L size) is free for order of Shion head -> 20 point is granted additionally (after delivery)

-Glass eyes is free as default for order of Shion set (head + body) -> 40 point is granted additionally (after delivery)

-Glass eyes (as default) & 2 kinds of maps on images are free for Shion set (including outfits). -> 40 point is granted additionally (after delivery)

-For Shion suntan skin set, the 20% discount coupon is presented additionally! (Other gifts are same as normal skin)

2. New C-Love type doll, Kino.

20% of discount for launching commemoration of C-Love type Kino

Migidoll released a new C-Lover type “Kino” as general version.
Those concept is unique brother & sister twins, and you can choose the makeup out of boy & girl.
It will be on sale for 20% of discounted amount as launching commemoration, please pay your love and attention.

3. March sales products and dates.

– M-Series : Shion, Mu, Ryo, Jean, Jina, Mir, Sun
– C-Series : Joel, Emma, Toto, Bean, Ruby, Kino

4. Discount of new shoes booking.

Adventurer Shion shoes will be discounted for advance booking.
For booked shoes, you can take it as 30% discounted amount.

Color : Black, Dark Brown, Red Brown, Vintage Brown


adventurer shion

Tan version Shion
Tan version Shion

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