MDCC Poppet

The Modern Doll Collectors Convention is currently offering Poppet, a tiny version of Eppie by Connie Lowe of Marbled Halls. Information on ordering may be found on the home page of the website. The deadline for Poppet pre-ordering is April 15th. Interested collectors that cannot attend the event may submit an absentee registration which will allow them to order her.

From MDCC:

We have now updated our website to include information on ABSENTEE REGISTRATION.  A limited number of these registrations are currently being accepted for MDCC® 2015. These are the same price as our regular registration fee.  If you cannot attend MDCC® 2015 in Reno, an absentee registration will allow you to reserve our souvenir doll, Poppet, by April 15th 2015 for free delivery after convention in September.  Please visit our Register for MDCC® 2015 page today for details.  Once you have submitted your registration, you may use any of the payment plans outlined on the 2015 Convention Doll page to reserve your Poppet.



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  1. Pingback: Twig Pre-order

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