~Angell Studio Ayaliz~ a Review


Ayaliz was the first of Angell Studio‘s Starry Baby series of limited edition dolls. Each release represents a different star sign of the Zodiac. Ayaliz was released under the star sign Aries.

The Starry Babies are a little taller than 1/6 size but can fit in some 1/6 clothes. They wear 1/6 size shoes and 5/6″ size wigs. The faces are less detailed Japanese-style “anime” sculpts. The company offers two face-up styles, an anime version, and a more natural version.  This Ayaliz was requested blank, however, so I could give her a freckled face-up. The doll has a face-plate that stays on well, yet easily detaches.

Additional items were included with my doll including a pair of wings, ram’s horns, magnets, and a cute little resin sheep. I ordered a light pink wig and a pair of pink and white shoes for her as well.


At 31cm, my Starry Baby is taller than a 1/6 size doll which generally ranges from 25 to 28cm. She has double-jointed knee and elbow joints, an upper thigh joint, and a solid torso body. Her proportions, the shape of her limbs and torso, and her smallish hands and feet are also similar to anime characters. Her resin is heavier than my previously-reviewed Isabel from Mystic Kids. It is closer to my Jpop and Kaye Wiggs’ Lillie in resin weight, but not slick and shiny like Lillie’s. The resin is a nice matte texture.

ayaliz compare
(From left) Ayaliz, Isabel, Lillie

Ayaliz can stand well on her own. I posed her next to Isabel and Lillie. Ayaliz has a more detailed torso than the other two dolls. Her legs are longer and fall between the other two girls in thickness. Despite her larger size, Ayaliz’s hands are smaller than either of the other two with delicate gestural little fingers.

hands compare

Ayaliz is able to pull her knees closer to her body with the use of the upper thigh joint, but can not pull them close to the chest.  She sits up on her own with the help of a steadying hand to the back. Her elbow joint performs well, but her wrist is a little lacking in movement.

ayaliz sit
ayaliz knees
ayaliz hand1

The larger size of the Starry Babies allows them to display well with various 1/6 size dolls. Ayaliz could be an older child to the smaller dolls. As always, my Ayaliz was expertly cast and finished by Angell Studio. This is my 3rd doll from the company, and I have never been disappointed!

2014-12-31 03.32.14
2014-12-31 03.32.56
2014-12-31 04.00.43

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