SWITCH “Let it Snow” Event

The SWITCH “Let it Snow” event has begun. Uhui:R and Ryun:R heads are available in a choice of normal or white skin resin.A face-up may be ordered separately. Bodies in normal or white are also available including Humming dolly 65cm boy, 60cm boy and 57cm girl.

Full-sets My Sweet Noel Rusi and Shiho will be released December 30th at 14:00 Korean time (TIME Seoul, Korea). They are Limited in quantity. Normal skin resin Shiho and Rusi will come with a special face-up by Uyuchagongbang, wig, Enchanted eyes and outfit. Optional hand and foot blushing may be added to the order.

New wigs are also being released on December 30, the Wild Millefeuille cut and the Baby Eclair cut. The wigs may be ordered in a variety of colors and in sizes 8/9 and 9/10.


Ryun R
Uhui R
Uhui :R
My Sweet Noel RUSI
My Sweet Noel RUSI
My Sweet Noel SHIHO
My Sweet Noel SHIHO
Wig - Baby Eclair Cut
Wig – Baby Eclair Cut
Wig - Wild Millefeuille Cut
Wig – Wild Millefeuille Cut

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