Idealian Dover Released

A special order “holiday version” of Idealian doll Dover is now available. The 72cm tall doll may be ordered in a choice of normal or tawny skin resin. Options include a face-up, body blushing, eyes and a ball jointed hand kit. (The kit is not available with blushing.)  Hand kits may also be purchased separately in colors normal, cream white, bronze or grey resin.  Optional Soom eyes in colors shown in the photos may be added to the doll purchase. Dover’s wig (blond or brown), outfit(brown or grey) and boots may be ordered separately.

Dover may also be purchased at a lower price as a kit doll. Options for the kit include a face-up, eyes and a ball jointed hands kit. The pre-order for the doll ends January 7th.

Links for Dover:

Assembled doll:

X-mas kit:

Idealian jointed hands: (normal or cream white) (bronze) (grey)


dover 1

dover 2


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