Nympheas News

Nympheas Dolls has added a new resin color for the Fanny Deer pre-order; butter resin. Customers that have already ordered and wish to change the resin choice may do so by contacting the artist by email: k6@nympheasdolls.com.

On Monday, 5 special versions of Malice will be released.

From the artist:

The end of year festivities are nearby, and to celebrate I create a pretty Malicie in Fullset which will be sold in limited edition of 5 dolls only !
Sales open Monday at 08:00 (French time)

The lady come with her pink mohair wig, blue eyes, outfit with boots and her hobby horse, makeup is optional with the drawing of the rainbow or not depending on your preference. She is in stock just counting the time of completion of makeup (2 weeks), I hope you like her 🙂


malice rainbow


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