Peak’s Woods Holiday Events

Peak’s Woods has announced that their event for the holidays will be a re-release event.

From the company:

Hi, this is Peak’s Woods.
We are having a re-release event for this year’s Christmas Event.

*Here are the details regarding re-releases.

1.FOC Dandy Basics(Segi, Cosmo, Dandy Tristan, LE Dandy Tristan, Dandy Bella the Moon).
: Heads and Dandy body part will be separately for sale as well.

2.LE Segi twins, girl Segi and a boy Segi.

3.Vampire Tristan & Elf Tristan
: Blue-grey skin color will be added.

4.Dlight & Wake up Dlight
: Tropical tan skin is not available, Diamond-grey will be changed to Blue-grey.

5.FOF Pinocchio_Hunman boy version & FOF Pinocchio_Marionette version

6.FOF Blue-grey V.F.s (Vampire Fairy Lady Alice, Vampire Fairy Leo, Vampire Fairy Sir Tin, Vampire FairyHucky)

And in order to make the fun event even more fun, we will start our Christmas Event with 1 One-Off doll.

*One-Off Doll : FOC Dlight in grey skin with LE face up.(No waiting time required)
Go To see it :

*This event will be run by blind auction system.

*Blind Auction Period : Dec.1st, 2014 (00:00~24:00 in Korean time, for 24hours )

*Anyone can join the auction.

*Please send your wish price with your shipping information
(name, email address, shipping address, phone number) through either one of the boards
on PW website or PW email(

*Please make sure that everyone has only one chance for it.
No matter how many times you send us the wish price, we will always choose the first one.

*The starting price is $500(including shipping) and we will announce only the final price publicly
since all the profits will go to charity.

*There will be more information on this such as when and where the profits go to charity later on.



d light

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