Starry Baby Leon

A new Starry Baby doll has been released by Angell Studio. 31cm tall Leon, who represents the constellation Leo, is sold as a basic doll in a choice of solid butter, solid white or suntanned resin. Limited edition Leon comes blank with optional eyes, wig, face-up, body blushing, outfit and shoes. He comes with a resin staff, pet lion and fire wings. A special discount is offered with Leon.

From the company:

Limited period: 2014.11.25–2015.2.24

first period (2014.11.25—2014.12.24), fullset 25% off;
second period(2014.12.25—2015.1.24), fullset 15% off;
last period(2015.1.25—2015.2.24), fullset 5% off.



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