Mini Scon Released

Nobility Doll has now opened the pre-order for their new 8.7cm tall Mini Scon doll.  The tiny anthro BJD may be ordered in basic, citrus, choco or vampire skin resin. Head types available are shown on a chart (see below). The dolls will come with a face-up and a pair of acrylic eyes.

From the company:

The scon which has enjoyed continuous popularity is recreated in smaller size.

Mini scon that is released now is 8.7cm, super small pocket size so that it is so cute and lovely.

It also can be a pet for your SD, MSD, SD17, or big doll.

It will be a sale by subscription in limited period.

schedule for sale

24th of November, 2014, Monday 10AM~ 1st of December, 2014, Monday 6PM

for 7 days.

Event for miniscon releasing

There will be additional special head for present only to the customers who order it on the subscription sales period.

Mini scon’s outfits will be also updated later on, so I hope that many of lovers will participate.


mini scon and scon mini scon 2

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