Rosen Lied for November and December

The schedules for the remainder of November and for December is now available at Rosen Lied.

From the company:

– November 14th
Update of basic items

– November 21st
[Release of new basic doll]

Release of new basic Monday’s Child Cherry
*Special mileage point event!!
Event period : November 21st ~ December 11th

To celebrate release of new basic Monday’s child,
for all the customers who order Monday’s children during this period
will receive 5 times greater mileage point for the dolls.

For example, mileage point for Holiday’s child is “2.14”
but during this period, mileage point of “10.7” will be given.

– December 7th
Update of new basic items

– December 12th
[Christmas Gift Event]

Christmas event will be on through December 12th ~ 31st.
We give presents according to each amounts.

$100 – Doll accessory (Necklace)
$200 – Doll carrier blanket
$350 – Special outfit (Holiday’s or Tuesday’s size)

*Shipping fee is not included.

* We will give presents for each orders separately.But total amount of orders cannot be combined.

ex.) Make 3 orders of $70, $100, $250 -> Get one Necklace for $100 order and doll blanket for $250 order but orders can’t be combined to get $350 gift.

* You can still combine orders to save shipping fee, but the amount will not be calculated together.

*For the customers who ordered over $350 USD, please leave a message on the memo, in order to let us know which size of the dress you want.
If you don’t leave a message, we will send the size randomly.

* For orders made during Christmas event, payment must be completed by December 30th.
If not, you will not be eligible for Christmas event gift.

– December 21st
Rosen Lied Off-line event day!!

[Christmas with Rosen Lied]

[Limited dolls for Pre-order]

Event date : December 21st, Sunday

Location : Cafe “Jack B Nimble” near Hongik University subway station.

[Limited dolls for Pre-order]

[Limited dresses for Pre-order]

[Pre-release of New Basic Holiday’s child ShaSha]

Pre-release item just for “Christmas with Rosen Lied” event.

Basic ShaSha Normal skin / 5 set
Basic ShaSha White skin / 5 set

Only 5 set of new Holiday’s type “ShaSha” will be pre-released on the event day.
Customers can pick them up right away.
Basic ShaSha will be officially released on the website around early next year.

[The One]

[Pre-order for all basic Rosenlied Children]

All basic types will be available for pre-order just on this day.
Monday’s child, Tuesday’s child, Wednesday’s Child, Holiday’s Child
types will all be available.

* More specific details about “Christmas with RosenLied” will be updated in the future.

– December 23rd

Update of Off-line event limited items

We are sincerely sorry for the late notice. T_T
Thank you very much for reading!!



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