~Mystic Kids Isabel~

Mystic Kids is a Chinese company that makes cute and affordable BJDs. I decided that one would be a perfect gift for my daughter, who prefers smaller dolls. Junkyspot is their US dealer, and I received a 1/6 girl that was in stock with little wait time. The dolls have been a big favorite at the store due to their reasonable price and variety of sizes and sculpts.

The BJD I acquired, the Isabel sculpt in normal skin resin, came with a face-up and with her eyes installed. The face-up is competently done and includes thick eyelashes. At 28cm tall, the doll is slightly taller than average (26cm is more typical). When I picked her up, she felt a little lighter than my Dollzone Ani or Angell Studio Treat, but she is not fragile. The casting seams are sanded.  If one looks very closely, a few sanding marks are apparent on the body, but they are hard to see and could easily be removed with very little effort. The little BJD had no trouble standing for a photo.

front and back

Isabel came with underwear, and I threw a little t-shirt on her for the photos. (I’ll be making her a special outfit soon.) She has double-jointed elbows, and she can touch her face easily with her hands.


The knees are also double-jointed, and there is an upper thigh joint too, but the upper thigh joint is too shallow to allow the doll to pull her calves up to her thighs and her legs up to her torso. The hands and feet are a bit chunky, but not distractingly so. While the knees and elbows hold positions well, the hands and feet tend to be a little less cooperative, pulling back to their wrists and ankles.

isabella knee thigh

The torso is 2-piece.  The top piece tilts side-to-side and backward pretty well but tilts almost not at all forward.


Isabel should fit in most 1/6 clothing. I had no trouble finding a wig to fit her.  I did not change her eyes, preferring to wait until I have her dressed. For the price, I think that she is a decent doll. She is sturdy, a decent though not extraordinary poser, cute, and ultimately a perfect gift for my daughter. The company often has sales too, so you may be able to get your doll for less or with a little gift.  As not all doll collectors have many hundreds to spend on a BJD, it’s nice that those on a budget can buy a decent doll and still enjoy customizing, posing, photographing, and sharing their work too.


isabella stand
Isabel standing

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