Werewolf Boyce

Ringdoll introduces a new doll from their Infamous series, Werewolf Boyce.  The 70.5cm tall doll comes in a human or werewolf version.

Werewolf Boyce comes in tan skin resin with Ringdoll’s RGMbody-3, a faced-up human head, an unpainted Werewolf head, shoes, eyes, wig, outfit and werewolf hands.

Human Boyce comes with a choice of body sculpt (RG I, II, 3, or 4) in a choice of normal, white or tan skin resin. He is sold blank with optional face-up and outfit.

The first 50 customers that purchase Boyce or werewolf Boyce will receive a free “silver bullet” necklace.

Dolls from Ringdoll are available through the company or through their authorized retailers.





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