Stone Sprite Order

Will-o’-Wisp Dolls  will be offering Stone Sprites for order. The dolls are 10.8cm tall and are completely handmade.

From the company:

In stock Stone Sprites first online sale!!

Friday October 24th at 21:00 (Spanish summer time, GTM+1) leftover Stone Sprites after Ldoll will be released. As this is the very first online release of stone sprites there will be a small discount on blank dolls and free custom on the already customized ones. There will be a total of 6 Stone Sprites available. You will find them at the shop section on this site.

You can check the exact hour on your country using any online time zone converter like this one:

Please, before buying these dolls make sure you know and accept these are 100% home casted and may contain small air bubbles filled with grey epoxi putty. Due to their rocky texture this should not affect their aesthetics in a negative way, but the color still differs between the grey resin and the epoxy.


stone sprites

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