Peak’s Woods News

Peak’s Woods will be releasing FOC line dolls as limited edition Alice, the White Rabbit and the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wickedland.

From the company:

Hi, this is Peak’s Woods.
For the Halloween Specials this year, we’ve prepared FOC Alice in Wickedland just like FOF Alice in Wickedland in 2011.

FOC Alice in Wickedland

1.LE FOC Tristan as the Alice
2.LE FOC Dandy Tristan as the White Rabbit
3.LE FOC Dandy Bella the Moon as the Mad Hatter

*Order Period : September 29th ~ October 31st, 2014
*Outfits can be sold out early.
*Layaway available.

All the information and details regarding this series will be found on each page.
We also release FOC Tristan, the Fairy of Black as a basic.


white rabbit
mad hatter

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