Serin and Rico – The Little Mermaid

The Gem‘a Monthly Doll release for August is Serin and Rico – The Little Mermaid. The Little Gem dolls may be ordered as human or as mermaids, or may be purchased with extra parts to assemble the doll as either a human or as a mermaid.  The human parts come in  a choice of white or normal skin resin. Both a normal and a “romantic” (half-closed eyes) head come with the doll. The mermaid tails come in a choice of coral orange or sea green with matching transparent ear parts. “Basic” or “blossom” breast size may be chosen for the doll. Options that can be added to Serin and Rico include a face-up for one or both heads, body blushing,  a choice of eyes, choice of wig, outfit and shoes. Seam sanding may be ordered separately (see link at the bottom of the dolls’ order page). The pre-order for Rico and Serin will close on September 14th.


Serin and Rico - The Little Mermaid1

Serin and Rico - The Little Mermaidparta

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