Fairyland News

Fairyland is preparing for their 2014 Juri event. Two 1/3 dolls for the event, Celine and Rin, are posted on the FairyLand Blog along with the new Moe body.

From the company:

2014 Summer Juri Event is set to start from July 23, 6 PM. New FeePle60 Moe Line products are to be released at the same time.

Detailed information on event and product will be updated on the release date.


celine rin



2 thoughts on “Fairyland News”

  1. I was wondering if the 6:00 P.M. release time was Eastern Standard, Central, or Pacific time zone in the USA? This is very important being that I work at 6:00 P.M. in Pacific time. Please, this information would be greatly appreciated.

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