Granado Update

Granado will be releasing their new doll Gabe soon. The new Lads body is now posted. The body is 66.5cm tall and comes in new normal, white tan or bronze skin resin. A new feature is silicone anti slip spots for the upper torso. The Lads body will be sold the 1st-3rd of each month.

From the company:

Hello! Details of Gabe will be released very soon.
Besides Gabe, Male body type : Lads is released! We will have a small event (about Lads body) when we release Gabe. Please look forward to it. Thank you!

Gabe’s page :
Male body Lads :

#‎Gabe‬ ‪#‎Lads‬ ‪#‎Body‬ ‪#‎Granado‬ ‪#‎BJD‬ ‪#‎Doll‬l‬




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