Legend of Lati Released

Latidoll has released the Lati Yellow  dolls for The Legend of Lati. 6 dolls are available. The 16cm doll release includes White Wizard Noa, Warrior Princess Sunny, Prince Pero, Elf Archeress Sophie, Princess Hani and Evil Dragon G.Belle. All of the dolls are sold with a face-up, glass eyes and extra hand parts. Options include outfit, shoes, wig and resin accessory parts.

The company noted that they had updated the information posted on the dolls and the event.  The information may be found in the Notice section HERE. 20 customers that purchase more than 1 doll will be eligible to win a free G.Belle mystic head. Any customers that buy the full set of dolls with all extras will receive a free G.Belle mystic head doll. Pre-orders for the Legend of Lati series ends on June 9th (Korean time).


(From left)
(From left) White Wizard Noa, Warrior Princess Sunny, Prince Pero, Elf Archeress Sophie, Princess Hani, and Evil Dragon G.Belle.


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