
BeJu Dolls has revealed their new BJD Emily.  She is a St. Louis BJD Convention exclusive doll, but may also be purchased by those unable to attend. Emily will be sold as a basic or full-set doll.  Only 60 full-sets will be available. Denis Bastien of Beju Dolls is the guest of Honor to the convention.

Basic  Emily comes nude, with a face-up and a pair of random eyes. Full Set Emily includes a steampunk outfit, face-up, a random color pair of eyes, and a choice of wig.

From the company:

EMILY – Here is the first official photo of the EMILY FULL SET doll. As you already know, this doll is exclusive to the St-Louis BJD Convention ( Nov 14-16 2014, St-Louis MO ). The good news is that the doll is also available to “convention supporters” who cannot attend. To become a convention supporter and be allowed to pre-order EMILY ( basic or full set ) all you need to do is make a $25 donation to support the convention.
This is EMILY - mini

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