DreamingDoll has a new body for 42cm Little Elva line girls,the Junior body. Dolls purchased this month with the new body will be discounted.
From the company:
Dreamingdoll’s announcing “release event little elva junior girl body” Event for you.
If you purchase “little elva full set(with junor body)”, 10% dicount.
Event period: May 02th 2014 ~ May 31st 2014
Target : Customers who order [little elva full set(with junor body)] during the event period.
layaway :
layaway customers should also pay US $100 or more during the relevant event period in order to enjoy the benefits.
layaway customers will enjoy the same benefits.
If you have any questions about the event, please ask us on Q&A board.
Dreaming Doll Little Elva girls come in normal or white skin resin. The BJDs come with both regular and heel feet, a random color pair of glass eyes and a random wig.