LengJue and DingDang

Two new dolls, LengJue and DingDang, are now at Charm Doll. The dolls may be purchased internationally at Mint on Card and HorusDoll. The BJDs come in a choice of normal pink, normal yellow, white, or french tan resin. 71cm tall LengJue and 66cm DingDang  are sold as blank basic dolls with optional face-up, partial or full body blushing, eyes, outfit, wig and shoes.

At this time, Charm Doll has also announced a Spring Event.

From the company:

May Event(now~2014/05/25)
Event A
1. Purchase CharmDoll body get random: wig x 1/eyes x 1 pair/ shoes x 1 pair/doll stand x 1 pair (choose ONE of them)(same size as the body).
2. Purchase CharmDoll doll get random: wig x 1/eyes x 1 pair/ shoes x 1 pair/doll stand x 1 pair (choose TWO of them)(same size as the body).

Event B
Purchase ONE CharmDoll doll get 25% on the 2nd CharmDoll dol.(wig/eyes/clothes/shoes/etc not included).

*You can choose Event A or B NOT both.



LengJue and DingDang

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