~Idol Sylvia~


70cm Idol line girl by ImplDoll

Wow!  What else could I say after I unpacked my first 70cm girl doll, Sylvia?   Sylvia’s box didn’t look imposing, but unwrapped she is quite a presence, even blank and without eyes. She is a very curvy, well endowed lady! The 70cm BJD is from the Idol line at Impldoll. I acquired her in white resin, figuring I could color her to be anything I wanted. I have some work ahead of me!

sylvia head 300

I decided first to attempt to stand Sylvia, worried that she would be too top-heavy to do so.  It took a little effort, but once I balanced her, she stood like a rock. The Idol girls do not include an upper thigh joint, which made this easier.

Sylvia has double-jointed knees with an H-shaped rest in the back of her legs that keeps them securely locked in place when standing. Her double jointed elbows held poses easily.  Sylvia is tightly strung, so it takes a little effort to pull out the joint parts, but I was able to move her legs and arms incrementally and they never shifted into another position. Her legs could fold completely, and she could sit on her haunches.

Next, I compared my new Idol girl to my Impldoll Star and Model line girls.  The Star size girl could almost be a teenage sister to a mature Idol girl. While taller than many 1/3 dolls, Star also has a slender build. My several-years-older Star BJD was cast in white resin as well, but is more ivory-colored. (Note: the ivory tone is not due to yellowing.) Brand-new Sylvia’s resin is a snowy white, and like all my BJDs from the company, completely and smoothly sanded.

My Model line doll  looked completely out of scale to Sylvia. No SD clothing adapted for my Idol!  Even elasticized skirts were unlikely to fit over her hips.  Commercially made clothing options would be very limited. I would probably need to make or commission her outfit.

Of my small collection of 70+cm boys, I suspected that Angell Studio Bicheng An would work well with her, and I was right.  Bicheng An is a little taller, and their hands and heads are in-scale to each other. Both are white resin, and I have an additional doll head for the Angell Studio body, so I could eventually combine them under one theme.

I know that I am in for a challenge with Sylvia. I want to turn her into something special.  I am already searching for the perfect concept to accentuate her “assets”. At her selling price, she is quite a bargain. For collectors looking for a female that will fit well with their 70+ guy, the Idol girl may be just the lady they need. She’s surely a lot of woman!

Part 2 of Sylvia’s transformation will appear later in the year.

Photo above, detail of Sylvia’s blank head.

ImplDoll BJDs are available from the company and through their authorized retailers.


sylvia stand
Idol line Sylvia
sylvia kneel
sylvia kneel 2
Back of knee joint
Back of knee joint
idol knee joint 2
Profile and elbow joints
Profile and elbow joints
Idol (left) next to Star line doll
Idol (left) next to Star line doll
From left: Model line Tdelia, Star line Lauretta, Idol Sylvia, 72cm Bicheng An from Angell Studio
From left: Model line Tdelia, Star line Lauretta, Idol Sylvia, 72cm Bicheng An from Angell Studio
Sylvia stands with Bicheng An
Sylvia stands with Bicheng An


Sylvia in photos from the company.  She is cast here in special tan resin.

impldoll doll resin colors

5 thoughts on “~Idol Sylvia~”

  1. That I do not know. I will be trying to find out, though. I also need to find out what shoes might fit her.

  2. I had to tell you that you are an amazing artist! Your dolls are so perfect! I have just seen these types of dolls a few days ago and I am going to try my luck in making one, or two. I’m sure mine won’t look anything like yours! If you know of any websites and books, etc. would you please sent the links to me. I don’t have a clue what to do, especially with the joints. Thank you for any help you might have, but mostly I just wanted to let you know you have amazing talent!
    Sherry Farrer

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