Kid Delf Update

Luts has released basic Kid Delf Berry. Three more 1/4 size Kid Delf dolls are featured on the company’s home page, Basil, Carrot and Jamong.

From the company:

Thank you for your visiting always.

Here our New KID DELF Dolls

1. Name : Berry(Released at now), CARROT, JAMONG, BASIL, & Kid Delf BOY Type 3 (Classic Body).

2. Non Limited Items.

3. Release Date : 16th, April, 2014 AM11:00

Berry was released as a basic doll. The BJD comes in a choice of Luts resin colors (see chart below). Basic Berry may be ordered as a girl or as a boy with a choice of girl Normal, Romantic or Type 2 multi body or boy Type 1 or Type 2 body. A pair of glass eyes come with the doll. Berry is sold blank with an optional face-up.

The type 3 boy Classic body will be released soon. (See photo below)



luts resin chart

Kid Delf Type 3 boy body
Kid Delf Type 3 boy body

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