Cony, Dony and Risse

Fairyland has introduced two new full-package PukiFees, Dony (Swallow) and Cony (Flamingo) which are limited editions of 100 dolls each. A new MiniFee full package is also available, Risse (Steam Age Red Riding Hood) which is limited to 68 sets. All of the dolls are cast in a choice of natural or beauty white resin.

The PukiFees will come with both regular and sleeping faces, two sets of hands, acrylic eyes, face-up for the regular face, wig, outfit, shoes and staff. Options include a face-up for the sleeping face, assembly and painting of the staff and upgraded eyes (those in the photos).

Risse  will come with an Active Line Girl body (Large Bust and Cutie Legs), both regular and sleeping heads, high heel feet, acrylic eyes, a face-up for the regular head, wig, outfit, semi transparent resin shoes and axe, mask and throwing knife in white resin. Options for Risse include a face-up for the sleeping head, a single piece torso, painting of the shoes, mask, axe and knife, and upgraded eyes (those in the photos).


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