Tiny Fairy White Choice

Blue Fairy will be offering Tiny Fairy line dolls in white resin soon.  Customers will be able to choose the head, body and any of the accessories they wish for their dolls.

From the company:

We are very excited to announce that TF White Choice is planned to be released. This TF White Choice will have Beauty White skin and especially for this time, customers can choose options for their doll including head, body, make-up & eyelash, assembly, outfit, wig or shoes. But please note that additional outfit, wig or shoes can be sold only to customers who buy the doll, Item orders without head or body will be canceled.
TF White choice will be selling at ‘preorder’ category of Bluefairy website.

Also, please note that limited heads (Sleeping head, Valentine head, Gus, Xiao, Isabel, Allan, Berry) are not available for this TF White Choice.

Sale of TF White Choice will be started at 17:00 on Apr. 18th (Fri.) and finished at 17:00 on Apr. 25th (Fri.). (based on KOREAN TIME) Orders with full payment should be finished in this period and orders without payment after the deadline will be canceled without notice. Production time of this TF White Choice will be roughly 70 business days after the full payment. Please kindly understand that its production time is little longer than usual due to the complexity of each order’s details.

Thank you very much for your long waiting for TF White Choice and we hope this time can be a perfect chance for those who have been waiting for the TF White Choice.



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