Fair Skin Maddison

Liz Frost of Wizworx will be opening the final pre-order for 45cm tall Maddison in fair skin resin. Only 30 dolls will be sold. All of the dolls will come with a face-up by the artist and a random color pair of eyes.  down payment is due to order the doll with the balance due when the doll is ready to ship.

From Liz Frost:

Maddison Fair Skin PRE ORDER starting 15th February at 10am AEDT
This will be the final pre order for fair Maddie
I am holding a small pre order for those that have asked.
This pre order is for Maddison in Fair Skin Tone and will be limited to 30 dolls.
20 will be released at 10am AEDT
and another 10 at 6pm AEDT
Here is a link to the pre order time around the world.<http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Fair+Maddison+pre+order+10am&iso=20140215T10&p1=240

6pm AEDT……http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Fair+Maddison+pre+order+6pm&iso=20140215T18&p1=240

Please check the time where you live. It may be a different day and time to Australia.
Example…. Converted Time…… New York, USA, Friday 6:00 PM



Fair Maddison

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