Tristan Elf and Vampire Release

Peak’s Woods is taking pre-orders for two versions of FoC line Tristan. 58cm tall Elf Tristan and Vampire Tristan will be available for pre-order until February 28th. Both dolls may be ordered in a choice of white, normal, suntan or grey skin resin. The dolls are sold blank and come with a random wig and a random color pair of glass eyes. Customers may choose a small or large breast and a solid or split thigh joint body for their doll.

Options for Tristan Vampire and Tristan Elf include the special face-up shown in the photos, heel feet, nail hands and painting for the nail hands. The outfit is not available. Layaway is available through the company. The dolls will also be available for order from Peak’s Woods’ authorized retailers including the Denver Doll Emporium.

FOC LE Vampire Tristan

FOC LE Elf Tristan2

FOC LE Vampire Tristan 2

FOC LE Elf Tristan1

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