Malicie and Tit’Fraise Released

Nympheas Dolls has opened pre-orders for new doll Malicie and her little resin companion Tit’Fraise. Malicie is being cast in cream skin resin. The 18cm tall girl is being sold blank with optional face-up in a choice of natural or glamour style. Little Nipnip Tit’Fraise is also cast in cream resin and is sold blank. Optional face-up and body blushing may be ordered in a pink or purple style. The pre-order for  Malicie and Tit’Fraise closes on January 20 (French time).

From the artist:

Malicie have a new body with more graceful curves, allowing greater choice of poses , the girl is 18cm tall unlike other nymphs (20cm tall) she wears 5/6 inches wigs, lati yellow clothes and shoes fit her well. This time I do not have a limited number of dolls in stock but I organize a preorder which involves a longer waiting period because I will order my provider at the end of the preorder . The dolls will be delivered in 60 days , this period is indicative and may be extended if you choose one of the two proposed makeup ( glamor or natural), thank you in advance for your patience. Also for more flexibility I extended the payments to a maximum of 4 months.

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