Fallen Angel Kyle and Aiden

WithDoll has released the long awaited Fallen Angel dolls, Kyle and Aiden.

From the company:

Kyle and Aiden are launching as limited ver.
This launching is quite delayed than our plan.
For some members who worried about buying new limited dolls
during Christmas Event Sale period,
we are going to extend the period of Christmas sale.
And we will sell the wing parts for other dolls except Kyle and Aiden
but this is only for Christmas Event period.
Refer to following information:

Period :
~ Dec. 31st

Substance :
1. Kyle and Aiden limited ver. 25 dolls each (These two dolls are available for new limited skin.)
2. During the event period you can combine wing parts with other basic dolls or limited dolls.
ex) order Taren with wing parts, order Nei with wing parts etc.
3. We are going to extend Christmas Event until Dec. 31st.

We ask for your interest!
Merry Christmas!

45cm tall Kyle and Aiden may be ordered in  white, cream white, rose white, normal, gray, brown tan, rosy brown and UV protectant real, gray, rosy brown or brown tan resin. Basic Aiden and Kyle come with two sets of hands and a pair of acrylic eyes. Options for the dolls include a face-up, wig, pants, hoodie, and resin shoes.

The wing parts are sold separately.  The set includes an upper torso part, two parts to hold the wings along with the pair of wings.  The wings may be set in different poses.  The wings are sold blank with optional painting.






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