
Sweet Gale is offering new doll Teddy. He is being cast in normal ond pale skin resin. Basic Teddy will come blank with a random color pair of acrylic eyes. The artist has made some changes to the body.

From the company:

Thank you for waiting my dolls, despite my long break was about half year.
Sweet Gale plans to receive orders of head/body sets and bodies again as from Dec 23rd 2013.
This body was a little modified, a little shorter than old one.
The body have been modified all parts except hands and arms.
And the bodies are little different when you see with the naked eye.

The Body Tall(Including head): 61cm [Error Range: ±0.5cm]

http://sweet-gale.com Homepage Links
http://sweetgale.bigcartel.com/ Store Links



teddy 3

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