Class50 Update

The Class50 dolls were once again delayed at Immortality of Soul .  Originally planned for a December 20th release, the company now plans to release Cho and Co on December 23rd and a new joint project  on the 25th.

From the company:

IOS made a contract with ???

IOS Class50 B type Body.

We do the new doll a launching. It is the second author ship doll after KEIJI.

This is the project which can’t do the expectancy which we mentioned.

It was a very hard work.

We were many trial and errors rough. And the Cho & Co was so much postponed.

The new project release will be started on Dec 25th pm7:00. (Time zone : Korea)

And the Cho & Co release will be started on Dec 23th pm 10:00. (Time zone : Korea)

Thank you for your interest and love for IOS’ dolls sincerely.

We will do our best to improve for high-quality doll.




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