Dryo Pre-order

IrrealDoll is opening pre-orders for the long anticipated doll Dryo.

From the artist:

Finally, Dryo!

As you can see, >Dryo first pre-order will start at December 22th 18:00 GMT + 1 time.
If you are not sure about what does that mean, don’t worry: here’s a countdown clock which shows the actual time left until the preorder begins: (http://irrealdoll.com/shop/archives/683)

The colors available for purchase will be vanilla, white and toffee.

Layaway option available as follows: initial deposit of 50€ and the rest in a single payment within 60 days after placing the order.
Glass eyes, cushions and certificate of authenticity will be included.
Make-up option: A, B or C + 25€. You can also have a bloody heart in your Dryo at no extra cost (only if you choose one of the three make-up options)





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