Update: Luts Winter Event

Luts has released Zuzu Delf Lio Sagittarius Griffon, Super Senior Delf Grit, Honey Delf Coco and Honey Delf Madeleine boy and girl versions.

Limited Edition Lio Sagittarius Griffon is 19cm tall. The anthro BJD comes in a choice of white or tan resin.  Lio Griffon is available in a full package version with both regular and romance head, griffon body, eagle casque, wings, bow and arrows. Options include a face-up for one or both heads, body blushing, parts blushing, human lower body, human outfit, griffon set and wig.  He is also available with most items selected as options.

70.5cm tall Super Senior Delf Grit may be ordered in normal, white, normal, brown, or UV light tan or tan resin. Options for the BJD include a face-up and outfit. 26.cm Tall Honey Delf Coco and Madeleine boy and girl may also be ordered in normal, white, brown, light tan, or tan resin. They come with  choice of body type 1, 2 or 3 (new multi body). Options include a face-up and outfit.







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